There is one thing you should prioritize over anything else – and that is your health. Yet, your health is easily taken for granted amid the many demands of work and life. If you’re not taking the time for your health now, it’s incredibly easy to become injured in an accident or from too much […]
Occupational health
What Happens When You Receive Workers’ Comp?
If you have had a work-related injury or illness, you may be able to receive workers’ compensation to help towards the cost of any medical treatment and rehabilitation necessary to help you recover. Sometimes, rehabilitation can be ongoing to ensure symptoms don’t come back or get worse, and to prevent future injuries. Workers’ Compensation If […]
What Is Occupational Health?
One thing that almost every person has to do in their life is work. It’s a common goal to land a good job with a good employer. And although the salary is important, people today are increasingly focused on proper health and safety factors of the workplace. As people are living longer, long-term well-being matters […]