If you have had a work-related injury or illness, you may be able to receive workers’ compensation to help towards the cost of any medical treatment and rehabilitation necessary to help you recover. Sometimes, rehabilitation can be ongoing to ensure symptoms don’t come back or get worse, and to prevent future injuries. Workers’ Compensation If…
What To Do When Injured On The Job
If you have been injured on the job, you could be entitled to workers’ compensation benefits. Workers’ compensation can help towards the cost of your medical treatment and ensure you receive the rehabilitation you need for a full recovery. Your employee will have insurance that will cover your treatment. There are a number of steps…
Job-Related Injuries and Workers’ Compensation
No one can anticipate unfortunate events. If an employee gets hurt or becomes ill while in the workplace, it is vital to understand the worker’s compensation system. An employee may benefit from receiving medical care after sustaining an injury or illness that is work-related. However, the insurance system does not cover all employees. Here is…
Top 3 Reasons to Get a Pre-Employment Physical
Jobs in industries that are considered labor-intensive need to be filled by people who can keep up with the demands of the job. But how do you accurately assess the eligibility of an applicant beyond the resume and interview? Even if you think you have found the perfect candidate to fill a job position, it’s…
Drug Testing vs. Drug Screening
Despite being used interchangeably, drug testing and drug screening are two very different terms. A drug test is often more reliable and provides an accurate analysis of an individual’s substance use. Major corporations typically prefer testing over screening. On the other hand, drug screening is a more cost-effective approach, as it is relatively cheaper than a…
Most Common Musculoskeletal Injuries
Musculoskeletal injuries are some of the most common injuries. Because a lot of occupations require repetitive movements – whether you move heavy boxes every day or type on a computer for a living – there is a high probability of you incurring a work-related musculoskeletal injury. Musculoskeletal injuries are not only prevalent in the workplace,…
What Is Occupational Health?
One thing that almost every person has to do in their life is work. It’s a common goal to land a good job with a good employer. And although the salary is important, people today are increasingly focused on proper health and safety factors of the workplace. As people are living longer, long-term well-being matters…
Welcome to WorkPartners’ Occupational Health Blog
Thank you for visiting our blog. We look forward to connecting with you. Work Partners Occupational Health is excited to bring you the latest news in occupational health services, including job-related injury care, physical therapy, chiropractic care, drug and alcohol testing, pre-employment physicals, and more. This blog will also be used to post updates about…