Department of Labor Impairment Evaluations
If you have suffered permanent illness or injury as a result of exposure while you were working at a covered Department of Energy (DOE) facility or Radiation Exposure Compensation Act Section 5 facility, you may be eligible for financial compensation under the Energy Employee Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act (EEOICPA).
At WorkPartners Occupational Health in Grand Junction, Colorado, we have doctors who are qualified to perform impairment evaluations to determine if you have an impairment that meets the criteria for inclusion in the EEOICPA.
The EEOICPA created a provision under Part E to compensate sick nuclear workers and uranium miners for impairment to their health. This provision is known as impairment ratings.
Our DOL Qualified Physicians
Two of our physicians on staff, Dr. Steve Brown and Dr. Laurie Marbas, are both Department of Labor (DOL) Qualified Physicians, which means they can evaluate these employees to issue an impairment rating.
Both Dr. Marbas and Dr. Brown are military veterans who understand the sacrifice many of their patients made by serving their country as an employee in a DOE facility. Dr. Marbas served in the U.S. Air Force and Dr. Brown served in the U.S. Army.
Both Dr. Brown and Dr. Marbas can conduct telephone interviews for DOL impairment evaluations for patients who are located throughout the country, without the need for them to travel to Grand Junction.
Dr. Brown can also complete in-office impairment evaluations at our clinic in Grand Junction, Colorado, if desired.
Both Dr. Brown and Dr. Marbas are licensed, board certified, and certified by the American Academy of Disability Evaluating Physicians (AADEP) and International Academy of Independent Medical Evaluators (IAIME) for the American Medical Association’s (AMA’s) Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment, 5th Edition.
Please note that Dr. Brown and Dr. Marbas are listed under “WorkPartners” on the DEEOIC national list of certified physicians for the DOL impairment program. This means that a patient may select our WorkPartners physicians from any DOL District Office throughout the country.
What to Expect During Your Evaluation
For your DOL impairment evaluation, we know the process can be long and confusing to patients. We value each DOL patient and strive to make their impairment ratings less complicated. Patient choice is very important to us. We work hard to ensure the impairment rating process is clear and simple.
We have two staff members assigned as dedicated program coordinators. It is their job to facilitate all administrative matters in support of you, the patient, and our physicians during the DOL impairment ratings process. They are available to the patient by phone, email, fax, or in-person from start to finish.
WorkPartners has completed over 700 successful DOL impairment ratings, enabling the creation of a streamlined process and allowing for faster reporting times. Average time from receipt of letter to completion of the physician impairment report is currently less than 60 days, and, in some cases, much less.
WorkPartners Occupational Health is a private medical practice that is totally independent from all home health care companies; however, we will gladly work with any that may be serving you.
DOL Impairment Evaluation Frequently Asked Questions
If you have suffered permanent loss of function of a body part or organ due to an illness caused by exposure to a toxic substance while you were employed at a covered Department of Energy facility or Radiation Exposure Compensation Act Section 5 facility, you may be eligible for financial compensation under EEOICPA. An impairment evaluation will determine if you have an impairment that meets the criteria for inclusion in the EEOICPA.
Contact WorkPartners as soon as you get your letter so we can get you scheduled. Return completed paperwork quickly and provide records, if possible. Be sure to attend any scheduled testing.
Once the DOL has determined that you have an eligible impairment, your DOL claims examiner should send you an EE/EN11A form, where you can opt to elect your own qualified physician: WorkPartners.
If you select WorkPartners, we offer telephone interviews for the impairment evaluation appointment. Any required testing can be scheduled at the closest medical facility you prefer to use.
An impairment award is financial compensation for the permanent loss of function of a body part or organ because of an illness that is covered under EEOICPA. Medical evidence must establish the impairment and to what degree (percentage) it impacts you. Workers of some Atomic Weapons Employer facilities may not be eligible for this award.
The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) awards $2,500 for each 1 percent of impairment. For example, someone with 10 percent impairment would receive a financial compensation of $25,000. You may be eligible for up to $250,000 of financial compensation under this award.
To determine the percentage of impairment, the DOL will consider:
- Loss of function (whole body)
- That the evaluation has been conducted based on the American Medical Association’s (AMA’s) Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment, 5th Edition
- That the medical condition has reached the highest level of medical improvement, the results are stable, and the patient is unlikely to continue to get better with medical treatment (does not apply if a patient’s situation is terminal)
You should schedule an impairment evaluation immediately upon receiving the U.S. DOL white medical benefits card and every two years after that.
- 1-2 hours spent building a foundation of documentation and getting to know the patient
- 2-3 hours reviewing records, ordering testing, and preparing for the appointment
- 15-45 minutes reviewing existing documentation and clarifying any questions
1-3 hours to obtain additional documentation and prepare report
On average, it takes approximately 6.5 hours to complete an impairment report. Of that, only approximately 5% of the time is spent on the appointment itself. While useful in clarifying the existing documentation, the bulk of the work building evidence for an impairment rating report occurs before and after the appointment.
For more information about impairment rewards under the EEOICPA, download this PDF from the Department of Labor.
vTo learn more about WorkPartners Occupational Health’s DOL impairment ratings services, contact us today at (970) 241-5585.